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  • Lleyton Hughes



Release: 2022

Director: Rian Johnson

Cast: Daniel Craig, Janelle Monae, Edward Norton

Glass Onion is a humorous, stylistic blockbuster follow up to Knives Out. And a worthy follow up at that.

With a bigger budget it gives us everything the first movie gave us but with more money. Which is quite fitting for a movie analysing the class of the filthy rich.

The villain is a stand in for the charismatic rich “geniuses” of our day (aka Kanye and Elon Musk) and wonders whether they are ultimately smart or just have enough money to fund every one of their stupid ideas, essentially a kid running around the worlds playground (which it feels like Johnson was channelling with the many cameos and expensive sets).

The movie plays with time to great effect. And its characters are even better than it’s predecessor.

But it’s downfall includes certain character development confusion, being a lot like its predecessor and being a tad cringey at times. But ultimately it is an enjoyable time at the movies.

(End Credit Review Rules:

1. I watch a movie at the cinemas and start reviewing the film as soon as the end credits start. As soon as the end credits finish I have to stop writing.

2. I’m allowed to go over what I’ve written once just to make sure it makes sense. And that’s it.

3. I will rate the movie according to how likely I am to watch again.

DISCLAIMER: These reviews will be my unprocessed thoughts and are likely to change after due consideration.)


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