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Lleyton Hughes


Release: 2022

Director: Zach Cregger

Cast: Georgina Campbell, Bill Skarsgard, Justin Long

Barbarian was an absolute delight. And totally unexpected.

The film is structured around three different stories that all end at a small house in Detroit. Using this structure Zach Creggor masterfully releases information about characters and events when he wants them to be known. Making the whole film more tense and mysterious.

All three stories are as entertaining as the other. And include interesting and likeable characters. There is a lot in the film about gender dynamics and I found myself thinking about Alex Garland’s Men. And I feel as if this film delivered a similar message in a much better and entertaining way.

Overall a very fun, well written and directed horror film.

(End Credit Review Rules:

1. I watch a movie at the cinemas and start reviewing the film as soon as the end credits start. As soon as the end credits finish I have to stop writing.

2. I’m allowed to go over what I’ve written once just to make sure it makes sense. And that’s it.

3. I will rate the movie according to how likely I am to watch again.

DISCLAIMER: These reviews will be my unprocessed thoughts and are likely to change after due consideration.)


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