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  • Lleyton Hughes



Release: 2023

Directed By: Ben Affleck

Cast: Matt Damon, Jason Bateman, Viola Davis

Without thinking about the controversies and problematic elements of Nike, Air is a fun, well produced biographical film about the signing of Michael Jordan to Nike.

The first half is all about our main character Sonny’s (Matt Damon) obsession with signing Jordan. And it’s probably my favourite part.

I love when characters become so obsessed with something and just pause the rest of their lives to pursue it. And the first half was all about this (and the fact that we all know who Michael Jordan becomes makes it even funner).

And it feels like the second half loses this focus to an extent (apart from the scene with the speech from Bateman’s character). Not to say the scene of them actually having the meeting with Jordan’s family isn’t a highlight. I just feels like it loses its main driving theme at that point.

Still a great time at the movies. It flies by. Some great performances from all the cast. Damon, Affleck, Bateman, Messina, Tucker, Wayans, Davis and Maher all have their standout scenes. There’s a point when it’s honestly just scene after scene of actors absolutely killing it.

Not as great as 'The Social Network' and 'Moneyball', but it’s definitely worth a watch. Everyone’s having fun, the sets are detailed and nostalgic (as are all the short old clips) and Ben Affleck proves again how well he can tell a story with a camera.

(End Credit Review Rules:

1. I watch a movie at the cinemas and start reviewing the film as soon as the end credits start. As soon as the end credits finish I have to stop writing.

2. I’m allowed to go over what I’ve written once just to make sure it makes sense. And that’s it.

3. I will rate the movie according to how likely I am to watch again.

DISCLAIMER: These reviews will be my unprocessed thoughts and are likely to change after due consideration.)


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